Roasted Cauliflower with Tamari (3 Ingredients)

Roasted Cauliflower with Tamari

Roasted Cauliflower with Tamari

My cousin Al made this for me once when I was a kid.  I loved it then and I still do!  He is no longer with us, but his zest for life  continues to be contagious.  Just thinking about him and his antics had me laughing hysterically (and crying too) when I had a little time to myself over the weekend - making cauliflower and reminiscing before my family bounced in from the neighborhood pool.





My cousin Al:

  • used to swim laps in the Pacific Ocean (off Vancouver) in the middle of winter.

  • on several occasions juiced pounds and pounds of vegetables and fruits for a houseful of people encouraging everyone to Alkalinize! Alkalinize! (He said that if you want to be attractive you should focus on what you put inside your body instead of what you wear).

  • carried in an armful of pastries to his daughters during their lunch break at school (not just 2-3, but 10-15) - every Wednesday! This was before his alkaline days.

  • gave people the shirt off his back (not a figure of speech).

  • once wrestled a bear. I'm sure it was small, but still.

He had no interest in living life in an ordinary way.But I think his biggest accomplishment was the way he made people feel.  When you were with him you felt happy, and important and glad to be alive. Here's a little story that his sister shared with me.  Al would do these types of things on a daily basis, always leaving a trail of fun...

When he was trucking and came my way, he would always stop in even when I wasn't home and help himself and possibly be gone when I came home from work. One day I came home, there were post-it-notes all over the kitchen. On each one he wrote things like "I had a pickle" , "I had a piece of bread" , "I had a hot pepper" , "I used some butter". They were everywhere! He always made me chuckle and lifted my spirits.

Oh how I miss him, and at the same time I'm inspired to step outside of myself, shake things up and brighten someone's day.  I think this cauliflower is just what I needed.

Roasted Cauliflower with Tamari

Serves 4as a side (Although I'm pretty sure I could eat a whole head myself.)

One head of cauliflower, chopped into florets

2 T coconut oil (or olive oil)

5 t tamari (or coconut aminos if avoiding soy)

Toss everything together.  If you have time, let it marinate 15-30 minutes.  Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 400F.  Spread florets out onto a baking sheet (line with foil if you'd like for ease of cleaning - I didn't.)  Roast for 20-25 minutes.  If you think of it, toss them around a bit about halfway through cooking time.  Enjoy!

When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world. -George Washington Carver

Sides, 5. Recipes