Mint Chocolate Chip Shake (DF)

Healthier Mint Chocolate Chip Shake (Dairy Free) - An Appetite For Joy

Healthier Mint Chocolate Chip Shake (Dairy Free) - An Appetite For Joy

Last St. Patrick's day I mixed up a shamrock shake using standard ingredients - vanilla ice cream, milk, mint extract and chocolate chips (and a handful of spinach for a faint green tint). This week I ambushed the kids with a healthier mint chocolate chip shake and they totally took the bait!

Coconut milk and - don't panic - avocado give this shake a creaminess that totally competes with ice cream. Seriously! And the mint and vanilla extracts smooth out any hint of avocado and coconut flavor. My son (who despises anything coconut, and only rarely goes for avocado) didn't notice a thing! In fact, he had seconds.Why do I want to get coconut fat into my kids?

  • Coconut fat is a super immune booster. It's antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiprotozoal. This is due to the lauric acid it contains - which is only found in two other sources that I know of: palm oil and breast milk!

  • Coconut fat is high in MCTs (medium chain triglycerides - a classification of fats) which are easily metabolized, bypassing the liver and easing the burden on digestion.

  • Studies show that coconut oil reduces inflammation in the body.

  • Coconut oil is a known treatment against the overgrowth of Candida albicans, bringing the microbiome into a healthier balance.


Keep chugging, kids!

Healthier Mint Chocolate Chip Shake (Dairy Free) - An Appetite For Joy

Healthier Mint Chocolate Chip Shake (Dairy Free) - An Appetite For Joy

Recipe: Mint Chocolate Chip Shake (DF)

Prep: 5 min
Serves 4


2 cups coconut milk (I prefer full fat)
1 ripe avocado
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
4 tablespoons sugar (or sweetener of choice)
2 cups ice
1 handful of chocolate chips (dairy free such as "enjoy life" brand, if needed)


1. Throw all of the ingredients except for the chocolate chips into a blender and blend on high until smooth. Taste and add sweetener, if desired.

2. Add in the chocolate chips and blend until chopped fine and distributed throughout the shake.
If desired, top with whipped cream or coconut cream and enjoy!